How to modify the Categories Name??
I cannot add 1x1 shortcut widget to home-screen even updated to 3/28 version. Please help to fix it. Your app helps me everyday.
我使用CWMoney STD多年,版本更新到3.24,最近換手機要restore資料到新的CWMoney Expense Track,但是從CWMoney STD backup的 .iDB檔案無法被CWMoney Expense Track所讀取,請問如何將資料轉入新手機, 又或者是否可以下載得到CWMoney STD,讓我可以將資料做轉移,謝謝。
I've been using this app many years. But I unable to restore my backup data into my new phone!
bahasa mandarin
Cannot view share book even after update.
今天更新app會閃退打不開😭 一直很喜歡這個實用的記帳軟體,用很多年了
I was using this app since 2014 It was excellent money management I am saying was because i lost all my data for no reason because local storage backup got defecated and not stored in backup folder I had to format my phone and after reinstall ing the app the backup folder is empty.... And even the location for new backup files is not found Bye bye after losing like 7 years of my spending data .... Very frustrated 🤬🤬🤬
user friendly great!